Wednesday, January 5, 2011

This is hard.

Today is just one of those days. I thought yesterday was one of those days, too. So now I guess it's two of those days. Not fair. These aren't supposed to be consecutive.

So, now I sit here finally able to take a break because Little Miss just went down for a nap. Wait, she's opening her eyes. Not fair little one.. it's been FIVE minutes! I'll just type quieter... and slower...

I do appreciate how well she sleeps at night, especially since her daddy is wonderful and gets up with her on the occasion that she does wakes up. I got to sleep until 9 AM today and it was fabulous. The best part of the mornings are when I go over to Addie and tell her good morning. I get the most precious smile in the world from my daughter. That makes the hard stuff seem not so hard.

Sometimes nursing her is a challenge. Like last night I sat on the couch from 6:00 until 9:30 nursing her on and off. My butt was numb by the time I could finally put her down to sleep. I was crying, cursing, and miserable. Then she fell asleep and I saw her angelic face sleeping so peacefully. That makes the hard stuff seem not so hard.

Little Miss hates tummy time. I don't understand quite why because she's so strong and she could hold her head up so easily but once I put her on her tummy time mat, she hates it after only one minute! I try to soothe her before picking her up but she just screams. I keep telling myself each day will get a little better and we can't give up. When I finally pick her up she stops crying immediately. It's because she knows she's safe in Mommy's arms. That makes the hard stuff seem not so hard.

Baby smiles. Coos. Giggles. Kicking. Wrapping her tiny fingers around one of my fingers. Bathtime. Big blue eyes. Seeing her ducky. Peek-a-boo. Singing songs. This makes the hard stuff seem not so hard.

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