Saturday, January 8, 2011

Shop til you drop.. SUCCESS!!

Addie and I spent literally the entire day shopping... and it was awesome!! Amanda, a fabulous friend from college is expecting a baby girl in March and wanted some advice and tips for baby items. I was all in. First off, I love shopping, especially if I'm not buying. Second, it's shopping for BABY stuff. How do you say no to that!? Here's a time line of our day...

We started off the day by meeting at Steak 'n Shake. Amanda was running late which was actually perfect because A had been sleeping at home when it was time to leave so I knew she would be hungry when she woke up. As we waited I changed her and fed her in the backseat. Amanda got there just as I was finishing burping her.

We went to my favorite store Baby Earth and just like the last time I took A, she screamed while we were there. Dangit, and I wanted to use the Ergo. Oh well, Amanda got her adorable Dwell Studio Sparrow bedding. (I must admit, I'm a little jealous. It's beautiful!!)

We thought A needed a nap so we chose to go to Buy Buy Baby and hope she would fall asleep. She did. (YES!!) Once we got close, we realized we were starving so we wanted to eat at Carinos. I was nervous taking A into a restaurant for fear that she would fuss and cry so I fed her in the car before we walked in, which was perfect because preggo had to pee. New diaper, newly fed. Let's roll! A was mostly awake while we were eating but slowly started to drift off about the time we were finishing up.

We drove across the street to Buy Buy Baby where we spent close to an hour in the baby abyss. If you haven't been there before, it's owned by Bed, Bath & Beyond and has everything from Graco ($) to Bugaboo ($$$$). Amanda wanted to buy the UppaBaby Vista but couldn't decide on a color. I just smiled. A slept the entire time!

When we left we both decided we NEEDED Starbucks so we got our drinks and off we went back to Baby Earth so Amanda could buy her Chicco Keyfit30 in Miro carseat. A finally woke up so I changed her (twice) and fed her again before it was time for us to go home.

All in all, we had a wonderful day. I was anxious to take her out but she was an angel. Now I have the confidence to do it again!!

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