Thursday, January 13, 2011

Oh Target how I love thee!

So after a not-so-wonderful morning, my bffally (that's her legal name - to me anyway) and I went to Target. It feels so empowering to be able to take Little Miss to Target on a whim. Although, after a super messy diaper at bffally's house, I had run out of wipes! Good thing I was at Target, eh? I accidentally spent too much money on Little Miss (surprise surprise) but Target had new baby clothes that she didn't already have! What's a mom to do?? Answer - buy it all!!!

While we were there, bffally and I each got a meal planning notepad. Hopefully, this will help both of us plan our meals and grocery shopping for the week. Wish us luck! Wow, we're so old now, eh?

On a sadder note (this blog post is mainly just a bunch of rambles, huh?) Target has put out their swimsuits. Is this a ploy to get all our fatbutts to the gym in time for bikini season? I don't know if I'll EVER wear a bikini again. The mere thought of it is terrifying. So, Target I love thee so much except for this swimsuit situation. Rude.

On that note, I'll put it out there... my weight right now is 131 (sigh). My goal weight however, is 115. Shoot, I'd kill to be 120 anytime this year!! I have WAY too much flub to fit into my normal clothes. I honestly don't even care about the numbers on the scale. I just want to lose inches. I'm a flubby mess. Woe is me.

Thank you to anybody who got through this bloody mess of a post. It had absolutely no point except for me to hear my nails clickclacking on the keyboard. And yes, I'm British this afternoon. Cheers!!


  1. Lol! I love Target and I am loathing swimsuit season this year too! Flab, flab, and more flab. You think if enough of us embrace our flab we'll make those skinny-minnies change their ways? ;)

  2. Love your theory!! We can dream, right??
