Saturday, January 1, 2011


Today my ERGO baby carrier came in the mail! So excited about this purchase because this ERGO retails for $135 and I got it on BabySteals a few days ago for $65 (I think.. it was sixty-something). Yes, that's flipping half off!! I want to be a crunchy mom and I think I'm off to a decent start: CD, EBF, BW/APish. Or, for my non-bumpy friends, Cloth Diapering, Exclusive Breast Fed, Babywearing/Attachment Parentingish mommy.


  1. Go girl! I just got a newborn insert for mine. So happy to have my hands back! Have you been to this website? Its called peaceful parenting. Great resource for parents who parent by instinct rather than books and opinions ;)

  2. I put A in it last night and she's already so big! I think I'll forgo the infant insert but I'll definitely need one for the next baby! What does yours look like?

    Thanks for the link! Sometimes I feel like an ignorant parent when we go to the pedi and they're STILL asking how many wet/dirty diapers, how long is she BF'ing at how many times per day, how much is she eating, etc. I just look at them and say, "I don't know... I feed her when she's hungry. She eats until she's full." It's not that difficult, but if I tried to keep a strict schedule, we'd both be miserable!
