Friday, March 1, 2013

30 Things in 30 Days: Day 1

1. List 20 Random Facts About Yourself

1. My favorite movie is Snatch.
2. I failed a quiz in sixth grade science on purpose, just so I wouldn't have to dissect a cow eye. (Don't worry; I offered to write a paper on how dolphins and bats use sonar for extra credit so I could still get an A!)
3. My favorite color is cerulean. Well, today it is. It changes daily, but that's my favorite to say out loud.
4. If I could eat one food for the rest of my life it would be spaghetti. I would even eat it plain if I had to. I love it that much.
5. Everybody who knows me knows I L-O-V-E iced tea. Ice to the top. Two or three lemons depending on the cup size. Yes, they even know the details!
6. I cry at the thought of something even slightly sad. I would make an excellent actress.
7. I always wanted to be a Boy Scout because they built fires, went camping, tied knots, and fished. That sounded fun. Girl Scouts? Not so much. (Let it be known my troop leader scared me.)
8. My childhood pet lived until he was 17, and I first experienced a pet death when I was 23. It was traumatizing and I wish I never had to go through that again. The reality of life and death sucks.
9. My first dream was to be a doctor, but I knew early on that I could never deal with the "non-doctor" parts and the uncertainty of my daily life.
10. My second dream was to be a teacher, and I rock that ish.
11. I am a perfectionist and would often turn things in late, because I couldn't do something halfway. I wish a teacher would have told me NO early on, but I got away with this all the way through college!
12. I am a huge car snob and had "owned" 5 by the time I was 18. Don't even ask what that number is up to now, almost ten years later.
13. Everybody always says buying a house was the most stressful purchase of their lives. Ours was easier than buying a car. Walk in. Fall in love. Write an offer. Sign some papers. Badaboom badabam. Homeowners. Thanks Brian!
14. I love Stride Cinnamon gum. Good luck finding it. !#%@#
15. I am undeniably in love with The Doctor. No worries; Zac's okay with it.
16. Not only am I a car nerd, but I'm a computer nerd too. I can reprogram with the best of them. I tell our tech people what's up.
17. I hate flossing and honestly don't see the point.
18. That being said, my biggest fear is losing my teeth. I nightmare about it.
19. My dream is to be a stay at home mom, cook and clean all day long and garden on pretty days. Just like my mom used to. :)
20. I am happy. I had a rough patch for about a year, but you can ask anybody and the word they will use to describe me is, "happy." I love that.

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